Buying OS X Lion Online
Apple's much-touted concern with user experience was not in evidence
About 1 min reading time
- "buy" from Apple store
- receive "order is being processed" email the next day
- receive "shipment notification" email, the day after that
- receive "order is being processed" email, the day after that
- receive email with password for a PDF file allegedly attached to another email [do not receive any PDF]
- call phone number in email
- phone system repeatedly fails to understand my request to "re-send license PDF"
- phone system refuses to proceed withou "web order number" [not present in email]
- Dig up Apple ID password
- Go through dozens of screens on store to find the only order I've placed in years, with its order number
- call phone number again
- enter order number
- eventually get redirected to human, who gives me the actual license code
- open Mac App Store
- attempt to find "Redeem" link or "Quick Links" section it's allegedly in; fail to find it in tool bar or menus
- click through all toolbar items
- try "view my account" menu item
- be required to approve new 17-page terms of service
- eventually fine "redeem" link in the "Featured" section (because when redeeming a purchase, you want to be dunned to buy more)
- enter license code
- App Store tells me it's downloading, but provides no further feedback
- select "Check for unfinished downloads" under Store menu
- re-enter Apple ID password entered a few minutes ago
- App Store displays progress bar indicating download will take 35 minutes more
How is this supposed to be more convenient than them mailing me a DVD?