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Buying OS X Lion Online

Apple's much-touted concern with user experience was not in evidence
About 1 min reading time


  1. "buy" from Apple store
  2. receive "order is being processed" email the next day
  3. receive "shipment notification" email, the day after that
  4. receive "order is being processed" email, the day after that
  5. receive email with password for a PDF file allegedly attached to another email [do not receive any PDF]
  6. call phone number in email
  7. phone system repeatedly fails to understand my request to "re-send license PDF"
  8. phone system refuses to proceed withou "web order number" [not present in email]
  9. Dig up Apple ID password
  10. Go through dozens of screens on store to find the only order I've placed in years, with its order number
  11. call phone number again
  12. enter order number
  13. eventually get redirected to human, who gives me the actual license code
  14. open Mac App Store
  15. attempt to find "Redeem" link or "Quick Links" section it's allegedly in; fail to find it in tool bar or menus
  16. click through all toolbar items
  17. try "view my account" menu item
  18. be required to approve new 17-page terms of service
  19. eventually fine "redeem" link in the "Featured" section (because when redeeming a purchase, you want to be dunned to buy more)
  20. enter license code
  21. App Store tells me it's downloading, but provides no further feedback
  22. select "Check for unfinished downloads" under Store menu
  23. re-enter Apple ID password entered a few minutes ago
  24. App Store displays progress bar indicating download will take 35 minutes more

How is this supposed to be more convenient than them mailing me a DVD?