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Hominid Software

My Software


Contact me about availability and rates.

NPM Packages

My JavaScript packages are listed in the NPM Public Registry.

Public Code Repositories

My public code repositories are on GitHub.

Productivity Webapp

Notes Together

Free your mind from mundane details! Toss in text and pictures. Be confident you can find any note on any device. Take control of your data with remoteStorage. Never spend time tidying up — unless you want to!

Web Games

Elfland Glider

Fly through fantastic worlds, help the merry and mischievous light elves, & avoid the surly and mischievous dark elves.

Best on mobile or VR

Barrier Mage

Draw mystic symbols to burn, protect, or detect & drive off fantastic creatures!

Requires a VR headset and two 6-DOF controllers

Multi-user Worlds on the WWW


After you've started a session, share the link from the URL bar to invite others.

webOS Apps


Contact me about difficulties, or raise an issue on the appropriate repository on GitHub.